
Rajang River Photo Safari 2010 『拉讓江丰采』攝影比賽

Theme: Nature, Culture and Great Adventure
(Photographs must depict the natural scenery along the Rajang River and its tributaries, culture and lives of the people living along the rivers, flora and fauna and mode of transport along the rivers)
主 題:自然,文化,探險
(相片必須能反映砂拉越拉讓江沿江一帶的自然景觀,人類生活和文化,各種水上活動和各 類運輸,以及花卉、昆蟲)

Contest Rules and Regulations

1. This contest is open to all, including foreign participants. The contest is divided into 3 categories: (1) Open (2) Most Creative Photographer (3) Young Photographer

2. All photographs for the contest must be taken between September 15, 2009 to September 15, 2010, in places along the Rajang River and its tributaries.
所有相片必須在2009年9月15日至2010年9月15日之間,在 拉讓江及其支流拍攝.

3.Photographers may use analog or digital cameras. Digital camera must be 5MP and above.
可以使用數碼相機或底片拍 攝.

4. Only colour prints in 8R size (8” x 12”) are acceptable.

5. Photographers can summit any number of photos. Photos should not be framed and can be in glossy paper.
參 賽相片數量不受限.不須裝裱,使用相紙不受限.

6. Photos must be submitted together with a CD with the ORGINAL images. The size of the digital image shall be at least 2MB. (ORGINAL means no digital alternation/manipulation in any manner).
參賽相片須同時呈上"原裝數碼底片"(ORIGINAL IMAGE),意思是沒有經過任何方式的後期電腦調整.未符合此條規者,視做自動棄權,作品將被沒收.

7.All photographs and digital images submitted are not returnable and shall remain the property of Kingwood Hotel Group. All the owners of the photographs shall grant full and exclusive copyright of their submitted photos to the organiser, the Kingwood Hotel Group.
Kingwood Hotel Group reserves absolute rights to reproduce, publicize and exhibit the photographs in whatever form and medium and in whatever venue, without notification and
further payment to the photographers.
所 有參賽相片和呈交的數碼底片,全歸「晶木大酒店」所有.晶木大酒店擁有再使用的權利.

8.All expenses incurred are the sole responsibility of the photographer. The organiser, however, will arrange one photo safari at discounted prices to either Kapit or Katibas. The departure date will be announced at an appropriate time.
所有參賽費用由參賽者自行承擔. 主辦當局將以特別收費舉行一趟拉讓江上游長屋攝影活動.有關詳情日後再行公佈.

9.The organizers shall not be liable to any loss or damage of personal belongings, including the camera equipment and any bodily injuries due to accidents.

10.Photographs submitted for the contest must be the original work of the photographer. They must not have won prizes in any other contest nor have they been previously published in
any form of media elsewhere.
所有參賽相片,必須是參賽者本身的作品,而且不曾以任何形式發表 過,也沒有參加過任何比賽和獲得獎項.

11. Each photograph must be submitted with an entry form pasted on the back. Multiple entries can be stored in just one CD for submission.
每張參賽相片都須在背面貼 上參賽表格.唯一名參賽者呈交的所有數碼底片,則可以燒錄在同一張光碟.

12. Entry form can be downloaded from http://pssibu.blogspot.com Photocopy of the entry forms are acceptable. Entry forms are also available from (1) the office bearers of the Photographic Society of Sibu (PSS) .Please refer to PSS’s blog for their contacts. (2) The Star newspaper (published every Saturday, and Wednesday in the Metro section)
參賽表格可以在詩巫攝影學會的部落格上下 載.網址是:http://pssibu.blogspot.com/或向詩巫 攝影學會理事索取,或自星報刊登的廣告上剪下(逢周三及周六刊登).

13. There is a registration fee for this photography contest. Malaysians pay RM10/-. Non Malaysians pays USD10/-.Students pay RM5/-
馬 來西亞公民參賽者,將須付還10令吉報名費,學生5令吉.國外人士報名費為10美元.

14. A photographer may submit any number of entries and each participant can qualify for more than one prize.
一名參賽者的參賽作品不受 限,同一個人也可以贏取超過一份獎品.

15. Photographs will be judge on the basis of composition, clarity, technique, content, colour and caption. The judges have the option to change the judging criteria without notice.
參賽相片將根据取景角度,清晰度,技巧,內容和色彩,以及 簡短介紹文字做為評分的標準.唯評審人也可在不預先通告情況下,修改評分標準.

16.Only slight adjustment/enhancements which are restricted to sharpness, colour balance, curve, level and contrast of the submitted photos are allowed. Photographs failing to adhere to
these guidelines will be disqualified. (However only original digital files are accepted)
參賽相片僅可在銳化,色彩,對比上做出調整.移花接木將受到嚴肅 禁止和取消參賽權.

17:The Young Photographer Prize is for participants 13-18years old. Young participants must obtain endorsement or consent from their parents or teachers
年輕攝影人組,只讓 年齡介於13歲至18歲之間的學生和年輕人參加.(1992年至1997年之間出生者)學生須獲得相關學校 校方蓋章簽可,其他人則須家長姓名,登記號碼,簽名.不具備上述簽名者,視做自動棄權,作品將被沒收.

18: The Most Creative Photographer Prize is for photographers who submit photographs which are digitally enhanced. They should submit photographs together with a CD with the enhanced images.
最創意組參賽相片,允許經過任何形式的後期加工,包括電腦加工和創意調 整.參賽作品須同時呈交上相關數碼底片.

19.The decision of the judges is final and no queries on the result will be entertained.

20.Winners will be notified by phone or email.

21.The organizer shall not be responsible for photographs damaged or lost during mail. Proof of posting is not proof of receipt.
呈交參賽相片過程中發生任何意外或損 失,概與主辦當局無關.

22.The organizer reserves the right to substitute the prizes to others of equivalent value as it deems fit.By participating in these competitions, participants agree to abide by the above
rules and regulations as well as the decisions of the organizer and the judges.
參與這項比賽,即同意本細則所規定的條文,以及主辦 當局和評審人員所做出的一切決定.

23.All prizes must be collected personally at a prize-giving ceremony at Kingwood Hotel, Sibu at the end of October,2010 in conjunction with the soft opening of the hotel’s new extension.The actual date will be announced later.
一項頒獎典禮將於今年10月間假詩巫晶木大酒店舉行.所有得獎獎品必須由 參賽人親自領取.主辦當局將另行公佈頒獎日期.

24.All winning entries will be on display at a photo exhibition at Kingwood Hotel, Sibu, at the end of October, 2010.
所 有參賽相片將在今年10月頒獎期間,在詩巫晶木大酒店公開展出.

25. All entries must reach the following address on or before September 30, 2010:
Mr. Philip Hii
The Organising Chairman,
Rajang River Photo Safari
C/O Kingwood Hotel,
No. 12, Lorong Lanang 4,
96000 Sibu , Sarawak, Malaysia.
Tel: 6-0168603338
『拉讓江丰采』攝影比 賽,
C/O Kingwood Hotel,
No. 12, Lorong Lanang 4,
96000 Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Tel: 6-0168603338


1st prize: RM4000 + certificate
2nd prize: RM2,500 + certificate
3rd prize: RM1,500 + certificate
10 consolation prizes of RM300 each + certificate
佳作(10個獎項):各獎現金 300令吉+獎狀
30 prizes of RM50 each for finalists.
入圍獎 (30個獎項):各獎現金50令吉
Young Photographer Prize: RM500 + certificate
Most Creative Photographer Prize: RM500 + certificate

Organising Committee: Philip Hii, Roger Tiong (FRPS) ,Hii Chi Siew (FRPS) ,Steve Ling, Abang Abdul Khalid, Suhardy Busserah.
Advisor: Hii King Chiong, CEO of Kingwood Hotel Group
Official newspaper: The Star
Official hotel: Kingwood Hotel, Sibu.

籌 備會陣容:許保德,張達良(FRPS),許志壽(FRPS),林禮長
,Abang Khalid, Suhardy.
顧 問:晶木大酒店集團首席執行員:許慶璋

